Trump Interview to Air on Saudi-Owned Channel as Business Ties Grow...

Trump Interview to Air on Saudi-Owned Channel as Business Ties Grow...

The appearance on Al Arabiya English comes not only as Trump courts the votes of Arab Americans, a community that has surprisingly shown increasing support for the former president, but also as his own family strengthens business ties with cash-rich, oil-producing countries in the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia. In an excerpt published on social media, Al Arabiya’s Washington correspondent Nadia Bilbasy tells Trump, “some people think you [are] the only person who can stop this war, because Prime Minister Netanyahu only listens to you.” Trump responded by repeating claims he’s made throughout the campaign: that the wars in Ukraine and Gaza would never have started had he been president. Trump’s appearance on the channel may not win him votes in the U.S., but it is likely to be viewed favorably by the crown prince, with whom the broader Trump family member has growing business ties.

Author: Arif Rafiq

Published at: 2024-10-20 22:37:37

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