Scarborough: Whining, Whimpering Trump Scared 'Jacked-up' Biden Will 'Beat Him Badly'

Scarborough: Whining, Whimpering Trump Scared 'Jacked-up' Biden Will 'Beat Him Badly'

There was Scarborough this morning, now claiming that it is Trump who is very worried about the debate, with Scarborough actually suggesting that a "whining, whimpering" Trump is scared that Biden might "beat him really badly." Trump should do what he can to make the correct response solemnity (the sacrifice our soldiers make) indignation (female athletes being violated by intact men invading their space and their sports) and sustained complicated pieces of information that require the ability to connect (costs of war in Ukraine versus problems at home). The best baseball pitchers are NOT the ones with the fastest pitch, or even with the sharpest slider, it is the one who can mix speeds and directions.

Author: NewsBusters

Published at: 2024-06-26 22:08:31

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