Rupert Murdoch’s Empire Again Seeks to Influence Trump’s Veepstakes, This Time Through Wall Street Journal

Rupert Murdoch’s Empire Again Seeks to Influence Trump’s Veepstakes, This Time Through Wall Street Journal

The fact that Murdoch’s media empire, after spending the last several years since Trump left office trying to block Republican voters from selecting him as their nominee again this year and literally employing former House Speaker Paul Ryan as a board member at Fox Corporation, is now jumping on the bandwagon to try to steer the end of Trump’s vice presidential selection process to the liking of its globalist leadership is fascinating to say the least. Public polling shows that the vast majority of Americans oppose continuing to waste American tax dollars in Ukraine, and pouring billions of dollars of U.S. treasure down that drain is not bringing the end of the war there any closer—and if anything, the continued escalation from the west risks devolving into a global war that does involve the United States, something Vance has been extremely cautious about and rightfully so. In fact, a big part of why Trump won in 2016 was his bashing of endless wars from the political elite of both parties in America—from the Clintons to the Bushes—and even the current President Joe Biden, a Democrat, seems to somewhat understand at least the politics of war, because he ended the United States’s longest war in Afghanistan – even though he did it horribly in a manner that put the Taliban back in power there.

Author: Matthew Boyle, Matthew Boyle

Published at: 2024-06-26 22:52:43

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